In brilliant birthstone colors, each of these 12 trees is dedicated to an attribute of health and happiness.
Your birthday comes just once a year, but these tree sculptures are vivid reminders that you are worth celebrating every day. Taking inspiration from the traditional Tree of Life symbol, Carmi Plaut and Loly Gomez have designed trees for the 12 months of the year and dedicated an encouraging meaning to each. Featuring bright glass in traditional birthstone colors, the sculptures are especially stunning in a window where they’ll shine that happy birthday glow on you all year long. Handmade in the Philippines from recycled materials.
January: Tree of Serenity
February: Tree of Healing
March: Tree of Mindfulness
April: Tree of Peace
May: Tree of Positivity
June: Tree of Dreams
July: Tree of Love
August: Tree of Hope
September: Tree of Creativity
October: Tree of Balance
November: Tree of Gratitude
December: Tree of Giving
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